
One of my great passions in life is to support, encourage, equip and inspire followers of Jesus who have responded to the call of serving the Church and influencing the world through their leadership gifts. My seven-word bio reads, “Empowering others towards their God-designed purpose”, and it’s with this in mind that I welcome you to sunergós.  This beautiful New Testament word, literally means ‘together or with work’, and is often translated as ‘fellow worker’, pointing to someone who works alongside another.  

Although I have the great privilege of teaching the Word of God in local churches, many times I have been asked to assist individual leaders, engage with leadership teams and even offer my observations and reflections on the condition or progress of a local church.  Sunergós is my attempt to support you in one or all of these areas.


I am relentlessly committed to the principle of Self-Leadership.  We face many challenges as leaders but perhaps one of the greatest is learning to lead self in a world of pressure and ever increasing demands.  One-to-One offers a secure environment where we will engage in a life review with the goal of personal well-being, sustainable life rhythm and ministry focus

Team Talk

The necessity and power of team is unquestioned, but achieving true togetherness and synergy is neither easy nor quick.  Building team requires clarity of vision, commitment to agreed values and the ability to discern the true valuation of every member of our team.  Team Talk can provide for you an outside voice that can help provide perspective, insight and breakthrough in negotiating the journey towards true team. 


Eyes and Ears

Everyone ‘blind spots’ and we do it very quickly.  True objectivity is hard to maintain when we are in the midst of the cut and thrust of the detail.  Sometimes we can’t ‘see the wood for the trees’ and thus miss things that seem so obvious to a visitor.  Eyes and Ears can be offered as either a specific review of vision, culture, structure and focus, or as a more simple reflection and observation in addition to a scheduled Sunday/midweek ministry engagement.


If you believe that I can assist you on your journey, please click the button below and complete the form. I will also be happy to furnish you with the costs associated with each area of service provided. Whatever you do, I pray the Lord strengthens you in your love for Him and empowers and equips you in the service of His Cause.